ftp.uk.freebsd.org doesnt have FreeBSD mirrored
(too old to reply)
Vince Hoffman
2008-05-21 08:29:39 UTC
I sent this to the uk freebsd users group originally a few days ago as
they had been discussing changing the cvsup mirror order, but had no
response, thus the email here.

ftp.uk.freebsd.org No longer seems to mirror freebsd (see ftp transcipt
below.) It might be worth (possibly temporarily) promoting one of the
other uk mirrors)

Vince Hoffman

==============ftp transcript=============================
(***@prawn)$ftp ftp.uk.freebsd.org
Connected to ftp.plig.net.
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
Name (ftp.uk.freebsd.org:root): ftp
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls pub
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||45360|)
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x 20 100 0 664 May 13 21:38 NetBSD
drwxr-xr-x 24 100 0 616 May 13 21:29 OpenBSD
drwxr-xr-x 5 100 0 424 May 13 22:28 OpenLDAP
drwxr-xr-x 23 100 0 568 May 13 22:08 XFree86
drwxr-xr-x 145 100 0 3536 May 13 21:07 bind
drwxr-xr-x 145 100 0 3536 May 13 21:12 bind9
drwxr-xr-x 8 100 0 552 May 13 21:23 inn
drwxr-xr-x 5 100 0 152 May 13 22:10 irc
drwxr-xr-x 11 100 0 352 May 14 03:12 kame
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 0 928 May 13 21:29 mix
drwxr-xr-x 5 100 0 368 May 13 22:06 postfix
drwxr-xr-x 7 100 0 1072 May 13 21:13 radius
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 0 48 May 13 22:23 rfc
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 0 464 May 13 22:23 ruby
drwxr-xr-x 9 100 0 280 May 13 22:37 slang
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 0 256 May 13 21:07 slrn
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 0 368 May 13 22:06 vim
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 0 48 May 13 22:06 wu-ftpd
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> exut
?Invalid command.
ftp> exit
221 Goodbye.
Dr Josef Karthauser
2008-05-22 22:53:16 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 21 May 2008 09:30
Subject: ftp.uk.freebsd.org doesnt have FreeBSD mirrored
I sent this to the uk freebsd users group originally a few days ago as
they had been discussing changing the cvsup mirror order, but had no
response, thus the email here.
ftp.uk.freebsd.org No longer seems to mirror freebsd (see ftp
below.) It might be worth (possibly temporarily) promoting one of the
other uk mirrors)
Thanks for the feedback. The plig server suffered major disk failure, and
the admin told me that it was now back on-line. I'll poke him about the ftp

Christiaan Keet
2008-09-30 16:29:10 UTC
Post by Dr Josef Karthauser
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 21 May 2008 09:30
Subject: ftp.uk.freebsd.org doesnt have FreeBSD mirrored
I sent this to the uk freebsd users group originally a few days ago as
they had been discussing changing the cvsup mirror order, but had no
response, thus the email here.
ftp.uk.freebsd.org No longer seems to mirror freebsd (see ftp transcipt
below.) It might be worth (possibly temporarily) promoting one of the
other uk mirrors)
Thanks for the feedback. The plig server suffered major disk failure, and
the admin told me that it was now back on-line. I'll poke him about the ftp
So we built a new mirror server, which promptly ran out of disk
space available on its 2TB array. Seems I underestimated things
slightly :)

The new-new ftp.uk.freebsd.org is now up and running and happily
updating itself with 5TB of free space remaining - about 3/4 of
the way through the rebuild of its data. I trust that will hold for
a while.

Any pointers as to how we can regain rsync access[1] to a master site
please? Emails to ftp-***@freebsd.org[2] on 6, 29 July and 29 Sept
have so far gone unanswered.

- CK

[1] That's the contact address you get from the banner when doing
rsync rsync://ftp-master.freebsd.org/

[2] I know the banner asks to use cvsup instead, but seriously - I
had it running for days on end and it didn't get very far. Suggesting
that rsync really is still preferable for main mirrors[3]

[3] Once we have rsync access restored, I'm more than happy for
people to mirror off us as well. We'll be a full mirror again,
updating daily and bandwdth is cheap :)
Simon L. Nielsen
2008-10-08 21:03:52 UTC
Post by Christiaan Keet
Any pointers as to how we can regain rsync access[1] to a master site
have so far gone unanswered.
I think the main contact address is mirror-***@FreeBSD.org - see
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/hubs/index.html .
Simon L. Nielsen